Who's a Ho Ho HO??

9 years ago you were probably wondering why Santa didnt make all the stops he needed to around the world - cause me and my twins sat on his lap and crushed his right thigh!~!  Now you know!  

Pregnant with 7 pounds twins at 39 1/2 weeks (and by the way, what a myth about pregnancy being 9 months -- do the math -- that almost 10 months -- which GUY lied to us :)   This photo is actually a poloroid (so glad I got it) outside a Sunday Farmer's Market in Encino California.   I had driven myself there -- yeah, how DID I fit behind the steering wheel - but I guess I needed some fresh veggies to juice - although it does look like I swallowed a whole watermelon!

3 days later, on Dec 4th 2002 I became a mom!  Shake THAT like a poloroid picture :)


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