First Weekend of the New Year

As we enter into the first weekend of this New Year, I am reminded it is also a Leap Year.  My daughter this morning on the car ride to school was mentioning that her teacher was born on Leap Day and is now only 7 years old - technically - but she swore that her teacher was smarter than most 7 year olds!  Ah, to be a kid - the wisdom, imagination and innocence.  Sad that is must fade as we age.  My quest has always been to hold to it and if not create new! 
Hanging with the amazing and inspiring
Jack Lalanne - like sitting on Santa's lap
only I am asking for health & fitness
 If you're reading this thank you - its an exciting adventure to think that people I don't know are talking the time to share my thoughts, dreams, hopes and some rambling nonsense that sometimes spews from my fingers onto this keyboard.  I love that we have computers, ipads, ipods and smart phones.  Although my smart phone is never as smart as it claims AND everytime I venture into the phone store - used to be AT&T now Verizon - it doesn't matter -- they promise so much more than deliver!  And I should know, I host infomercials :)  Actually that was said in jest as I work to make sure the products I create or represent are as good if not better than what we show - its always been my mission and so far, so good.  Everyday I meet someone who has a Jack Lalanne Juicer and loves -- I am now working on a new juicing book -- love it.  Interesting, this month will mark the first year of Jack's passing. What a legend.  What a gift to have know him.  See you tomorrow -- teaching a SpinGym master class this morning and need to get ready -- What are YOU doing today??
